Thursday, 25 July 2013

Restaurant Equipment Financing

RestaurantEquipment Financing

Foodstart is the only crowdfunding site created just for nonprofit businesses. Using Foodstart’s unique platform, nonprofit business owners can raise capital in small increments from online crowd funding. Foodstart is cheaper and faster than any other funding source! Foodstart…the ultimate loyalty club.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Foodstart Restaurant Funding

Foodstart Restaurant Funding by food start

A nice presentation which will make u clear about the concept of a site and we can say that Foodstart is the only crowdfunding site created just for restaurants, breweries, cafés, food trucks, and other food business. have look on this presentation

Friday, 12 July 2013

Kickstarter restaurant in US

Kickstarter restaurant in US

Raising money for THE FIG TREE and get great perks like food discounts, guaranteed tables, and previews of new menu items. Foodstart is the only crowdfunding site created just for restaurants, breweries, cafes, food trucks, and other food business.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Starting a foodtruck

Foodstart is the only food truck crowdfunding site. Using Foodstart’s unique platform, food truck owners can raise capital in small increments from the same people who are the key to their success: their customers. And with its one-time fee of only 4%, Foodstart is also cheaper and faster than any other funding source!

Starting a foodtruck